the making Process
The pieces come as breathe of inspiration. Charcoal to paper, and the ideas come as if footage to a display. Specially when it comes to faces and visages, the process becomes a puzzle, every piece has its place and value, function and space. I see a mouth in my head, or a pair of eyes, and from there, the image start constructing itself on paper; my hands follow the movement of what becomes a harmonious figure.
Not always follows what is the standard of what beauty is considered or supposed to be. Beauty is in everything, and what some might find ugly, others can have it as the most enchanting and moving picture they have ever seen and experienced.
Some of my art can take up to two years to be completed. The reason behind it, is that every human being is in constant change, therefore my vision changes and develops while constructing the pieces, and at some point, harmony strikes and then changes cease. Usually, two months are enough to complete a full painting.
The process of manufacturing a clay sculpture can take up to five months. Physically, it is a mess due to clay particles that fly and float everywhere, displaying something near as a life of itself, covering all surfaces around it as it dries. The result is something that you want to, and do, stare at for hours.